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Take action for HB5052:
The Good Food Purchasing Law


Our current priority focus is to pass HB5052 in the Illinois State Legislature.

We are gearing up to pass HB5052 in the upcoming legislative session . There are several strategies in motion, and we will be mobilizing the coalition in the months leading up. Get informed and support these efforts by joining the listserv.


To learn more about IFJA, receive coalition and campaign updates, and learn how you can get involved—join our mailing list.

Take action with us:

IL State Legislators

IL State Legislators

Interested in co-sponsoring HB5052? Reach out to the director of Illinois Food Justice Alliance, Kiara Jackson >>
Illinois Food Justice Advocates

Illinois Food Justice Advocates

As a constituent, you have the power to ask your lawmaker to support the Good Food Purchasing Law. Fill out this action alert to urge your lawmaker to become a co-sponsor of HB5052.
Food + Justice Organizations

Food + Justice Organizations

Join our multi-sector coalition to advocate for policy that centers our values in Illinois. We are 20+ organizations, from local grassroots organizations to national institutions building collective power for food justice in Illinois.

We are growing the list of co-sponsors for HB5052 as we build toward veto session.


Influence and Advocacy

Co-sponsoring a bill allows lawmakers to actively advocate for its passage. By attaching their name to the legislation, they can champion its merits, engage with other legislators, and work toward its success.

Strength in Numbers

When multiple lawmakers co-sponsor a bill, it demonstrates broad support and increases the bill’s chances of advancing through the legislative process. More co-sponsors signal that the issue is significant and potentially bipartisan backing.


Constituents elect lawmakers to represent their interests. Encouraging co-sponsorship ensures that the bill aligns with the needs and desires of the people they serve. It gives constituents a voice in shaping policy.

Visibility and Commitment

Co-sponsoring a bill publicly demonstrates a lawmaker’s commitment to a specific cause or issue. It allows constituents to see where their representative stands and holds them accountable.

Policy Impact

Co-sponsors have a direct impact on shaping legislation. They can propose amendments, participate in committee discussions, and influence the bill’s final language.